How To Tell If It Is Time To Replace Your Rifle’s Trigger


Your rifle’s trigger is akin to its nervous system, sending the signal from your finger to its firing pin that it is time to shoot. Just like your nervous system, the trigger is a key component to your rifle’s safe and reliable performance. But sometimes, there is a problem, and that signal is not translated properly—and the trigger needs to be replaced. We are going to take a few moments to examine how to determine when that time has come.

There are two parts to making accurate, perfectly timed shots on target: the shooter’s ability and the trigger’s reliability. If either are off the shot will be too early, too late, or off target. Regardless of what your target may be the result is the same – a miss. The problem is that many shooters will blame themselves when the actual culprit is the trigger. Why? Because they do not know how to tell the difference.

When Is It Time to Replace a Trigger?

Triggers are mechanical components. Some are fancier than others but in the end, they are all subject to failure. Furthermore, there are several reasons why a trigger may fail, and just as many symptoms as possible problems. Let’s look at a few of the more common signs that it is time to replace your rifle’s trigger.

Unintended Discharges

One of the biggest symptoms of a faulty trigger is the slam fire. When a rifle discharges unintentionally, without the trigger being pulled or even touched, you have one of the most dangerous situations known to shooters. Whether this involves a brand-new rifle or one that has been handed down for generations the cause is almost always the same – a faulty trigger. If you research firearms with a history of slam firing the manufacturer’s answer is to redesign the trigger.

Wear and Tear

Aside from a faulty trigger, the main reason shooters replace a trigger is wear and tear. As mechanical components, every trigger is subject to eventually wearing out. As this happens you will notice warning signs such as failure to reset properly, a change in feel, or even rust & corrosion. Regardless of whether the cause is thousands of shots down range or exposure to harsh conditions, the solution is a new trigger.

Poor Feel

Have you ever picked up a rifle and taken a few practice shots only to think to yourself “I do not like the way the trigger feels”? Maybe it was gritty, felt loose, or did not break as smoothly as you would like. Either way, it was not a pleasurable experience and probably not the most accurate shooting. These are all signs that the trigger is inferior and would benefit from an upgrade.

Not Right for You

Even the best mass-produced rifle suffers from one flaw, that is they are made for the masses. While many will have high-quality or even adjustable triggers, they are still made with mid-range tolerances so they can be used by most shooters successfully. But these triggers will not fit every shooter or every application. Upgrading the trigger will allow you to take an otherwise outstanding rifle and make it better for you.

Benefits of Replacing a Trigger

You replace the trigger for the same reason you replace parts on your automobile. New brakes make it safer, and more reliable operation. A new engine provides longer life for the vehicle and an upgraded battery increases dependability.  A new trigger can do all of this and, if you want to, transfer your everyday driver into a show-worthy nail driver.

With a quality aftermarket trigger, you will have a more accurate, reliable firearm that operates as it was intended (or better) and does so safely. It is also the most effective means of doing so – far cheaper than purchasing a new firearm that may or may not provide the feel and reliability you are looking for.

Now What?

Once you have decided it is time to replace your rifle’s trigger you have two questions to ask: which trigger will I select and who will do the replacement?

As far as the first question is concerned, we think the answer is an easy one – Rifle Basix. We have been providing high-quality aftermarket triggers since 1990. Our products are manufactured using only the best materials including nickel and aluminum. Plus, they have been proven to last longer and be more durable than the competition. This is why shooters from around the globe – professionals, hunters, and competition shooters – rely on Rifle Basix for replacement triggers for a wide range of firearms.

The second question depends on your mechanical ability, access to a few basic tools, and willingness to spend a little time at the workbench. Replacing the trigger in most modern firearms is a far cry easier than you may think. Many off-the-rack models are specifically designed to allow this to be done with minimal experience and a few basic tools that you either already have or can easily purchase. Because the trigger mechanisms are provided as a single unit, it can be accomplished in a short time by anyone with moderate mechanical abilities. However, there are those who either are not comfortable with doing so or simply do not have the time and opt to hire a gunsmith.  The choice is yours. Either way, the results will be well worth the effort.


If you have a rifle sitting in the back of your closet or collecting dust in your safe because it just does not perform the way you would like it to, I recommend you consider adding an aftermarket trigger. Browse Rifle Basix’s selection and see if we can help you turn that rifle from a place-keeper to a trusted companion.

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